Get started with AMIVA

Large customer database
Our customer database consists of 12 500+ industrial companies from Europe, CIS countries and Baltics

B2B Platform with advanced search and information processing engine is developed from the ground up

Highly experienced team
Our commercially aware professionals are there to assist you anytime

Accompanying services
We also offer all accompanying services needed (e.g. commissioning and rigging services, logistics etc.)
Terms & Conditions
AMIVA User agreement
This User Agreement regulates the relationship between LLC "DMG Trade" ("AMIVA") and Internet user ("User") arising from the use of the B2B Internet platform ("AMIVA"), ("AMIVA") on terms specified in the User Agreement.
Complete and unconditional acceptance of the AMIVA's offer of contract addressed to the User will be the actions performed by the User in purpose to exploit AMIVA, i. a. searching for, viewing, or placing advertisements, signing on the site, sending messages via the contact form, and other arrangements for using functionality provided by AMIVA.
The User Agreement may be changed by AMIVA at any time without any special notification to the User. The new version of the User Agreement shall enter into force on the date of being placed on AMIVA unless directly stated otherwise. Regular familiarization with the current version of the User Agreement is the responsibility of the User.
Using AMIVA after the new edition of the User Agreement has entered into force constitutes the User accepting it and applying to it the provisions of the new edition in their entirety.
Full content of the sites (the domain name, title, design, configuration, comments, original pictures and illustrations, logos, texts and other elements) as well as the database are the exclusive property of LLC "DMG Trade" as a sole owner.
1. Terms and Definitions
In this User Agreement, the terms listed below have the following meanings:
AMIVA – represented by a limited liability company "DMG Trade" registered in the Enterprise Register of Latvia under register number 40203395780 (VAT number: LV40203395780), legal address: Rīga, Zemes iela 10-77 LV-1082 – Latvia.
AMIVA and/or Site – an Internet resource that constitutes a complex of information and objects of intellectual property contained in the information system, access to which is provided by various user devices that are connected to the Internet through a special software for browsing the web (browser) at the addresses www.amiva, etc. (including the next level domains that belong to these addresses)
User – a physical person or a legal person that visit Internet sites including AMIVA.
User Agreement – the present agreement, Terms and Conditions for advertising, other rules and documents published on the Site and regulating actions of AMIVA or determining the directions for the use of the Services.
Services – features and functionalities available to the Users on AMIVA.
Product – any product or another proposal in respect of which the User places an advertisement on AMIVA.
Advertisement – an informative message to public at large placed by the User on AMIVA and containing proposition of Product (including contact information, photos, and any other related information).
Seller – a User that places on AMIVA an Advertisement with an offer to conclude a transaction in regard to the Product.
Buyer – a User that performs viewing of the Advertisement placed by the Seller, interaction with the Seller in regard to the Product, and/or concludes a transaction with the Seller.
Account Data – a unique username (e-mail address) and password that are generated independently by the User under registration on the Site and may be changed in the future by the User via the Personal Area or otherwise as specified by AMIVA and are used for access to the Personal Area after the User authorization on AMIVA.